September 18, 2024



Now you can rent, purchase or commission the Explor Space BioGravity Platform at the Michigan Space Station

Newly launched startup at the Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine Innovation Center enables medical research for classroom or lab by using an advanced Random Position Machine called Explor Space BioGravity Platform.

The BIOGRAVITY™ PLATFORM fits inside most standard incubators and features a platform for 96 Well Plate or 250mL bio reactor experiments using simulated microgravity.

Rated to 400 grams and radiation tested, the BioGravity platform is available for stem cell, exosome, bacteria, macrophage, small molecule, tumor and compound testing. Advantages for the platforms innovation include low fluid shear, lack of sedimentation and low turbulence, According to the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University (in support of NASA) “simulated microdevices can be an invaluable tool to understanding mechanisms of the infection process.”  As well, novel quantitative biosystems for modeling biofilm formation such as the BioGravity Platform may aid transformative innovations in hfq expression through gravitational unloading.

Heady stuff. The BioGravity  Platform is the exclusive licensee in North America for sales and service of the Explor Space Simulated Microgravity RPM by the biomedical engineering team of Dr. Joshua Chou at University Technology Sydney. 

Rated to over 3,000 hours of continuous use, the BioGravity Platform offers calibrated g performance to 10-3 and is integrated with the WMU Medical Innovation Center Labs for long duration, end-to-end verification. The BioGravity™ Lab at the Michigan Station is overseen by former NPI Researcher, Dr. James Secrest.

Machined in Japan, the platform is assembled and landed in Kalamazoo, MI resulting in zero tariff, import duties or VAT taxes. 1 Protein Fold Experiment is included. There’s both a WMU discount as well as a bulk discount on 10 or more serial-linked platforms. Rental, purchase or commission credit for simulated microgravity experiments are applied toward later experiment flight on the International Space Station (ISS) when booked through BioGravityLLC flight partners and integration specialists.

As mentioned, there are three ways to collaborate with the BioGravity team.

Clients may rent a commercial-grade BIOGRAVITY™ PLATFORM for about $1100 a month

Clients may purchase a BIOGRAVITY™ PLATFORM with a $10,000 discount for academia or non-profit.

Lastly, clients may commission a BIOGRAVITY™ EXPERIMENT with clinical or end-to-end verification from $15,000 USD.

Custom accessories and world-wide team consulting are also available.

Frank Pournelle 

Chief Commercial Officer 

BioGravity LLC 

Microgravity & Cell Division

